Finding Healing

with Yoga designed for you

Our bodies tell the stories of our lives and they carry the traumas we have experienced. These traumas can be physical, emotional, and/or mental manifesting in a conscious or unconscious level in our mind and body. We can experience trauma in the body as tension, fatigue, pain, and weakness, or in the mind as depression, anxiety, fear and anger. This imbalance affects our well-being and how we function in our daily lives. Trauma can also affect the way we feel about ourselves, how we present to others, and cause us to stay stuck without achieving our full potential. I have used yoga to not only help heal myself from my own trauma, but I have seen the transformation in so many others that I have had the privilege to work with over the years. If you feel stuck, voiceless, have pain, unable to completely recover from an injury, trauma or abuse, I would like to help you move forward in your journey with yoga.