I came to yoga to heal my body, build strength, burn calories, but I found myself instead."  I cannot begin to explain, (but, I'm sure you already know) how very true this quote is. Especially for me. In the beginning, I tried yoga to balance out my 'harder' workouts, to maybe find a longer, leaner version of my body. Instead, I have found a woman, a wife, a mother, a friend that was deep inside me. Not a new me, because it was always there, but a more peaceful, kind, forgiving, loving me. All those things you say as we do shavasana, I have found. What an amazing reflection time yoga can be! I am able to release all of those mistakes from the week with my children and husband and refocus on forgiving myself and trying to do better the next week. Those first few days after class are easy but the further away from Thursday I get the less I am able to focus and I wait impatiently for the next class. I look forward to the day when I feel confident enough to come to more experienced classes in a few weeks. All of that said, I love our classes and all that I am learning and changing within myself. Yoga is workout, an exercise. But, more than that it is time for personal growth and focus. Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge and passion.      - C.I.

As a Master's-level runner, I'm not as young as I used to be, but I'm more competitive than ever. With age and continued competition comes the need to be more careful with my body to preserve my lifespan as a runner. I can say with certainty that Tracy's expertise as a physical therapist and yoga instructor has been instrumental and necessary for the health of my body. Tracy's ability to see the whole person and the whole problem has meant that I can return to competitive health more quickly, and avoid long down times due to overuse injuries, core weakness, or acute problems that sometimes creep up during training. It's remarkable how Tracy can take something as complex as yoga and make it work in a very practical way for a very un-yoga-like guy like me.          -Jason Burgett

I turned to Tracy after a disheartening time working to discover the cause of and alleviate the discomfort of my nocturnal headaches which have been occurring for more than 10 years. As the headaches increased in frequency, I sought medical guidance.  With multiple testing to determine cause, it was recommended that I take long term medication and physical therapy. I felt truly at a loss since the headaches were very uncomfortable, I was losing sleep, and the frequency of the headaches was increasing. I didn't know how to balance this discomfort with my desire to find relief without the use of medication for the rest of my life.  Since physical therapy had been mentioned, I knew that Tracy was not only a wonderful yoga instructor, but that she is also a trained physical therapist in Ohio.  I decided to make an appointment for a private session with her at her studio.  She listened to my symptoms and was fairly certain that the headaches were directly related to sleeping position; not any physical deterioration of spine or neck. I have done as Tracy has directed with massage,stretches, and changes to my pillow, and I have not had the headaches since. Not having the headaches and also getting a full night's sleep is a gift beyond measure.  I cannot thank Tracy enough since I was becoming concerned that there would be no long-term option other than medicine to relieve my headaches. Tracy listened so carefully and offered concrete assistance and relief for this particular type of headache.  I am thankful beyond words for the relief I have been given. Thank you so very much, Tracy.  - Cheryl Weiss

First off, I just wanted to thank you for being so welcoming and making me feel so comfortable. Due to my physical limitations, I have always been very self conscious around yoga and my last experience was a disaster. I felt great after class and I think yoga could do wonders for my body and mind.  -Jill Barns

 I want to express how beautiful you made my yoga session. It was kind, loving and peaceful. From the gentle touches to the breathing it was a very positive experience.  -Holly Alexander

I really enjoyed all my years with you Traci!  Thank You for providing such a wonderful experience! You never fail to teach wonderful things about yoga.  For example today, it was great learning more about the breathing process.  I can't say enough, or put into words how wonderful it has been to be a part of your studio. Thank you, thank you thank you....you are awesome!  - Mary White

Thoughtful, gracious instruction that is patient and erudite, different styles of presentation such as the concrete clarity of a science teacher or the sensitive awareness of a former physical therapist all work well for the cautious newcomer. Well Done!  -Michael

I just wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying and getting out of your yoga classes.  Every class is an hour of real pleasure for me. Every day I start with yoga is better than one I don’t.  -Peg

 I can’t tell you how much I like the classes I’ve taken with Tracy, both emotionally and physically.  The classes lead me to a calm, confident place I just had no idea could result from a yoga class. Plus I feel the physical strengthening.   The classes are truly wonderful!  Thanks for providing them.  -Sarah

I like your emotional and spiritual approach to yoga.  I like how you are relaxed and free, keeping it comfortable, relational and human.  I find that the pure movement, physical exercise and focus required to participate in yoga promotes stress-relief alone.  -Jen

I never get the time after class (or think of it before) to tell you how much I love taking my classes from you and what a difference you've made in my life.  I always come away from your class feeling centered and focused on what is really important. I guess that you could say that you are my favorite yoga instructor. Thank you so very much.  What you do really makes the world a better place.  -Dolores

I wanted to let you know that today's yoga class was incredible.  I felt so much positive loving energy emanating from you and the others in our group.  I love attending this class.  -John

I want to express my thanks and admiration to you for the amazing environment you create in your classes.  You are doing an outstanding job!!!! You and your charisma make the classes really enjoyable by focusing more on breathing and meditation. I personally thank you because your classes helped me a lot in balancing my life in all aspects.    -Ruby